365英国上市杜波依斯分校 hears testimonials of survivors during victimology event

Fourth year student Cierra Hoffman shares one of the testimonials during the victimology event at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校.

Fourth-year student Cierra Hoffman shares one of the testimonials during the victimology event at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 on Oct. 18.


杜布瓦,爸爸. ——通常, some of the most impactful statements we hear are those that come from someone who experiences something firsthand. 10月3日. 18, 学生, faculty and staff gathered at the Schoch Plaza on the campus of 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 to take part in a victimology event in which they heard firsthand testimonials from victims of domestic and sexual abuse. 这次活动的目的是教育校园社区, 为受害者和幸存者提供发言权, 当虐待发生时,鼓励他人举报, 并在需要的时候寻求帮助.

Victimology is the study of the psychological effects of a crime on a person. 它还研究了受害者和罪犯之间的关系. 的 goal is to find patterns and tendencies that would allow for better understanding, 教育和预防犯罪和虐待, 参与者说.

10月是家庭暴力宣传月, 努力提高对家庭暴力的认识, 也被称为亲密伴侣暴力, 全国范围内. 由赛琳娜·普莱斯组织, lecturer and program coordinator of criminal justice at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校, 还有刑事司法专业的学生, this year marked the second consecutive year that this event has taken place on campus.

“I hold this impactful event to not only spread awareness on domestic violence and sexual assault, but to also encourage victims and survivors to report their victimization and to show them where they can seek help,普莱斯说.

在对事件的简要介绍之后, 学生 in attendance took turns reading testimonials from unidentified victims and survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. Many of the testimonials shared feelings of pain, helplessness, depression and anger. 当每一份证言被宣读时, 人群中的其他人默默地沉思着, 他们中的许多人被他们所听到的感动了. 但普莱斯说,听到这些话很重要.

“You never know who might be listening and needing to hear that someone else is going through the same thing,普莱斯说. “结束沉默可能会结束暴力.”

Many of the testimonials did give a positive reflection upon the services that are available in the greater area surrounding 365英国上市杜波依斯分校. 社区行动公司的代表. 十字路口工程和通道公司. were both on hand to share information on the services they provide to victims and survivors of multiple types of abuse.

“This event is a wonderful event for 学生 to come out and learn firsthand, 从这些证词中, 一个幸存者经历了什么,他们是如何战胜的,丽贝卡·米斯科, 十字路口协调员, 社区行动公司. 十字路口项目的负责人说. “这个活动也教会了他们同理心. 在当今世界,这种情况并不总是存在.”

Misko also noted the importance empathy has for any of the 学生 who attended who might work in this type of career field one day.

Many of the 学生 in attendance were those in the criminal justice and human development and family studies programs, both of which can help prepare individuals to work in assistance and advocacy programs to help victims of abuse.

“One day these 学生 will be working in the field and more than likely they will come across someone who has been victimized,普莱斯说. “I want them to remember what they read or heard today, to have empathy and to listen.”

“Events like these are important to bring light to a subject that is often dark,罗宾·麦克米伦, 段落公司. 法律倡导者说. “我们希望每个人都知道,受害者得到了支持, 要么在他们的家庭里, 朋友或社区内.”

社区行动公司. 十字路口项目 helps domestic violence victims and their children remain safe by providing emergency shelter, 24小时热线, 社区和学校教育项目, 选择咨询, 法律宣传, 以及克利尔菲尔德和杰斐逊县的团体支持.

段落公司. is a sexual violence agency serving Clarion, Clearfield and Jefferson counties. 该组织提供24小时热线, 咨询, 法律宣传, 医疗宣传, and prevention and educational services throughout the area it serves.

Victim resources are available for all Penn State 学生 who have experienced abuse. More information about victim resources at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 can be found here.